Reasons to keep your child home
Reasons to keep your child home include but are not limited to:
If your child does not pass the daily COVID-19 At-Home Screening (see district website or COVID-19 section on webpage)
A Fever of 100 degrees or more:
keep your child home for 24 hours after the temperature returns to normal (98.6) without the use of fever reducing medication.
Vomiting or Diarrhea:
keep your child home for a minimum of 24 hours after the last episode.
if the cause is unknown please check with your physician before sending your child to school
Specific Considerations:
24 hours after treatment has begun and/or discharge has ceased
24 hours after treatment has begun.
Open lesions must be covered. If lesions cannot be covered, student must be excluded until lesions are closed and dry
Head Lice:
after treatment is completed and no live lice are found
Strep Throat
24 hours after starting antibiotic treatment
Ring Worm:
after treatment is started and any lesions must be covered